Frequently Asked Questions

I receive a warning message “Cannot Restore Purchase Now, Try again later.

Please contact us via email -> with a screenshot/proof of the most recent subscription charge as well as the email address associated with your subscription.

I can sign in to the app but all the videos are locked.

Please try to restore the purchase.

Cannot sign into the app: Email address not found?

The app store does not require signing in or creating an account when purchasing a subscription. You’d want to restore the purchase by clicking on a locked video, then click on Already a Subscriber? Then Restore Purchase.

What if I have additional questions?

If you have any additional questions/concerns, please contact support via email at

How do I update my billing information?

To update your billing information, ensure that you are signed into your account, select Dashboard -> Billing.  Under the payment method section, click on Use Another Card. Input your card details, then save.

How do I change my Subscription Plan?

To change your subscription plan, navigate to Dashboard -> Billing -> Change Plan. 

How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, sign in to your account. Click on Dashboard -> Billing -> Change Plan, then Cancel Membership (gray button). Confirm cancelation by clicking OK.

What is included in a membership?
Membership includes access to an incredible catalog of videos and live events.

I am trying to sign in but it says my email does not exist. Why is that?

This could be a case where you made an error when signing up or you signed up using a different email. Please reach out to support via email at to have the team assist.

I am getting an error message - Invalid Credentials when trying to sign in.

Please ensure that you are attempting to sign in via the correct website. Also, try resetting your password.

Here is a link to our Streaming Subscription website

How do I sign in?

You can sign in to your account by clicking on the following link ->  then click Sign In

I forgot my password, how do I reset it?

You can reset your password by clicking on the Forgot password? option on the sign-in page.

How do I change my password?

Click on Dashboard then Security. From there, go ahead and enter your current password and the password you'd like to change it to.